Technical Papers

The Importance of Insulating your Attic

Tuesday, July 19th, 2022 by Carolann Eddington



There's no getting around it: If your house is in a cold climate, keeping it warm in winter is expensive, and the cost continues to rise. The Department of Energy predicts that prices for natural gas and heating oil will rise again this winter compared with last—and that's after a year in which heating-oil prices already rose sharply in most parts of the country.

Sure, you can dial down the thermostat and get used to wearing bulky sweaters indoors to cut costs but if you've got an unfinished attic, giving it the proper insulation is one of the simplest ways to keep a lid on your heating and air conditioning bill. The Department of Energy estimates that a properly insulated attic can shave 10-50% of your utility bill. 

Some of the things that John's Waterproofing can do to help you save money on your utility bills are:

The Importance of Insulating your Attic - Image 1

  1. Removal of old, contaminated and ineffective insulation.
  2. Check for vulnerabilities in your attic and air sealing any gaps in and around pipes, wires, exhaust fans, ducts, and around chimneys and flues
  3. Box out light fixtures. 
  4. Direct all exhaust fans and vents to the exterior. 
  5. Install cellulose insulation to R60 (17") 
  6. Insulate walls with SilverGlo Rigid Foam 
  7. Insulate chimney with Rock Wool
  8. Remove mold with MoldX2 Cleaner and MoldX2 Botanical
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