Picture Gallery

Picture Gallery of Finished Basements in Greater Portland

See what your basement can become with Total Basement Finishing

The basement finishing solutions you need, installed by your local expert

Let the experts at John's Waterproofing help you design your dream basement. Whether you want your new basement to be a home theatre, a playroom, a fitness center, or a home office, we can help you to get all the details right. View our complete basement remodeling system. We are your local Total Basement Finishing contractor in Portland, Eugene, Salem, Beaverton OR, Vancouver WA and surrounding areas.

If you're ready to get started, call us at 1-503-694-4764 today! When you request your on-site design consultation, we will provide you with a free quote for all your basement finishing needs.

Learn more about our basement finishing products

Basement wall panels - Salem and Beaverton

Wall Panels

Basement ceiling tiles - Bend and Springfield


Finishing touches for basements - Portland, Eugene, Salem, Beaverton OR, Vancouver WA


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